Kiandra Insights

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Myki logo on a dark grey background

A Redesign for the Myki Website

Marielle Lee

A few weeks ago, my Myki card was running out of money right before leaving work and, having some extra time, I went to their website to top up.

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Abstract illustration showing that user experience design is part of the customer experience

Prioritising the Experience

Damien Rundell

User Experience (UX) covers a customer's interactions with your product or service, and by contrast, Customer Experience (CX) covers a customer's experience with your overarching brand.

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A stark white wall with an Apple Macintosh 1 in the middle

Legacy Modernisation Approach

Meghan Lodwick

Business legend and former Chairman and CEO of General Electric (GE) Jack Welch once said, “Change before you have to.” When it comes to legacy modernisation, also known as software modernisation – this couldn’t be more true.

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8 children sitting around table, drawing and having fun on Kiandra's Kids in Tech Day 2019

Kiandra Kids in Tech Day 2019

Meghan Lodwick

On a cold Monday morning in Melbourne eight bright girls aged 6 to 12 took the elevator up 28 floors to front up for a day full of STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths).

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Cassandra Wallace in black and white

A Balanced and Diverse View Is Needed in All Work

Cassandra Wallace

This is part of a month-long series to support closing the gender gap as we lead up to our first Bring Your Daughter to Work Day #KiandraKidsinTech2019.

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Rosmy Joy in black and white

Never Give Up

Rosmy Joy

This is part of a month-long series to support closing the gender gap as we lead up to our first Bring Your Daughter to Work Day #KiandraKidsinTech2019.

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Laptop with an abstract graphic

5 System Development Guidelines

Andrew Winterburn

Do you face challenges when you’re developing business systems? You’ll be surprised that a lot of those are simpler to solve than you think.

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Close up of some hand drawn prototypes on a wall

How to Make an App in 5 Steps

Meghan Lodwick

One of the top requests we get is “can you make me a Facebook-like app but better, real quick”. Look, it’s actually a fair question, anything can be made better – but the essence of the question shows that there’s a lot of misinformation out there on how complex app making actually is.

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Dark screen full of colourful code

Behaviour-Driven Development - Cucumber

Harini Rajanna

Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) is an agile software development technique which helps to build functionality incrementally as per its expected behaviour. Basically, it’s a set of practices that aim to reduce common wasteful activities in software development.

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