Kiandra Insights

Your daily dose of insight from our team of passionate Kiandrians who share their thoughts, opinions and the latest news at Kiandra HQ.

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Illustration of a person looking up at the stars with binoculars

Looking Back to Go Forward. Reviewing Our CMS Predictions From 2017

Rhys Evans

In late 2016, our very own Kane Barton published a blog that made some predictions about the future of CMS in 2017.

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Zoom logo on a blue background

Zoom for Remote Working

Damien Rundell

Lockdown. With very little warning we were all thrown straight into it. Some of us knew it would change the way we work, but for others, they didn’t have time to think about it let alone prepare.

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Kiandra's new logo from 2020

Looking Back on 25 Years Experience

Cam and Mart

Our rebranding journey has been both scary and exciting at the same time. Scary because we’re letting go of an identity we’ve loved (and struggled with at times) to venture into a new world.

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An illustration of a person working from home at their desk surrounded by plants and pets

16 Ways to Stay Together While Working Apart

Cassie Wallace

A happy and engaged team is vital when we’re all physically distanced. Here are some simple things you can do to keep your people engaged and feeling like they’re part of something bigger.

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Bright yellow background with an isometric illustration of the words 'low-code' with arrows pointing in three different directions

How to Pick a Low-Code Platform

Andrew Monteith

Choose the best low-code platform for your business with our comprehensive guide. Discover the benefits of low-code development and how to find the right platform to support your needs.

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A diagram illustrating the key user interface components of Twitter's login screen

User Expectations

Istvan Vincze

Digital platforms and media have propelled into rapid evolution over the past few years. It is hard to keep track of new devices, their specific nature and quirks, but most importantly how they change the way people access information and perform tasks online.

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Illustration representing a CMS on a computer screen

General Guidance When Testing Your CMS Website

Rhys Evans

When it comes to building a website, a CMS is a great enabler for a client to have. The ability to control what appears on the site with minimal developer intervention on a regular basis is empowering and can help save money in the long term.

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Illustration of a Swiss army knife on a bright orange background

How to Use Kentico as a Tool

Rhys Evans

Kentico is a powerful tool, but like any powerful tool, it must be used for the right job, in the right way. An old saying goes “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

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Illustration indicating a network with maintenance activities

Software Evolution and Maintenance

Rhys Evans

So, you’ve just completed the launch of a new piece of software, Congratulations! Time to kick back and celebrate – you’ve earned it.

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