Kiandra Insights

Your daily dose of insight from our team of passionate Kiandrians who share their thoughts, opinions and the latest news at Kiandra HQ.

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Person in an office explaining someting over their laptop

Listen to Your Users

Anthony Smith

Here at Kiandra we deal with a variety of different software projects. Portals, websites, applications, resource management systems, the list goes on.

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Aerial view of a laptop with a rainbow of coloured penciles

From Graphic Designer to a UX Designer

Marielle Lee

People used to call me a difficult customer because I always look for a way to improve the functionality of a product.

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People collaborating around a wall covered in ideas

Digital Transformation Discovery Workshops

Vin Vijayan

Digital transformation is generally defined as the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, resulting in fundamental changes to how it operates and how it will deliver value to customers.

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A graphic of a hand with a needle about to pop a balloon

Techniques to Manage Your Risks

Vin Vijayan

As a project manager, I deal with risk on a daily basis – every project, no matter the size, has its inherent risks.

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An Agile techie dreams in post-it notes

Why Agile Coaches Dream in Post-Its

Leila Marimuthu

By nature, us techies are agile. We live and breathe it into all our work, use it in different forms, for different teams, at different speeds and to suit different clients and budgets.

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A group collaborating around a table

Does Your Agile Team Have a Social Contract?

Vin Vijayan

You may be wondering, what is a social contract? Does my team really need one? Don’t worry, you are not alone.

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Web apps and websites are different

Web App vs Website

Rhys Evans

Our Software Developer, Rhys Evans, explains the difference between a web app and website, giving insight into the future of both, which he says will no doubt include more chatbots, virtual assistants and single page applications.

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A notebook with a page of sketched ideas

Innovation Starts Simple

Cassie Wallace

Are you innovative? Yes. Well, maybe. No, wait, what does that even mean? I have recently considered purchasing a Segway.

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Cassie Wallace - Head of Sotware Development

Interview with our Head of Software

Cassie Wallace

We took International Women’s Day as an opportunity to interview our Head of Software Development

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