Kiandra Insights

Your daily dose of insight from our team of passionate Kiandrians who share their thoughts, opinions and the latest news at Kiandra HQ.

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Work from anywhere in the world at Kiandra

New Work From Anywhere Initiative

Cassie Wallace

New Work From Anywhere Initiative

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Business intelligence within reach with a tablet

Reach a Higher Form of Business Intelligence

Meghan Lodwick

Over the past two years, 90 percent of the world’s data has been created

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Mental Health Essentials Program by WorkSafe and the Victorian Chamber of Commerce

Mental Health Essentials Program 2019

Mel Pezzimenti

A few months back, I attended a Mental Health First Aid training course, and it, was fascinating.

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Kentico Conference 2019

Kentico Conference Offers Insight Into 2019

Jen Pearson

Last September, I travelled to Sydney with a few of my Kiandra colleagues to attend Kentico Connection 2018

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Graphic of a target

Ownership of Software Strategy

Cassie Wallace

Kiandra is on a growth trajectory.

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OKRs – a simple goal setting technique which swept across Silicon Valley

Failure Kicks Goals in an OKR World

Jac Domney

Bill Gates, Larry Page and Bono walk into a might think this is the start of a joke

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Businesses Turn to Mobile Apps

Businesses Turn to Mobile Apps

Meghan Lodwick

Companies are now investing more in mobile applications for operational efficiency than innovation

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A mini figurine dodging pitfalls

Failure Is Only Fine When You Can’t Avoid It

Meghan Lodwick

In 2015, the Standish Group studied 50,000 software development projects around the world

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Graphic of a frantically scrambled line

How to Be Busy AND Productive

Cassie Wallace

On my busiest days, I am not productive. After an action packed day of meet-ups, training

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