Kiandra Insights

Your daily dose of insight from our team of passionate Kiandrians who share their thoughts, opinions and the latest news at Kiandra HQ.

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Free – We All Like That Price Point

Free – We All Like That Price Point

Matthew Dunn

With low-code accelerators gaining more and more converts in the marketplace

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Make the Change Process Easier

Make the Change Process Easier

Meghan Lodwick

Digital transformation will add an estimated $45 billion to Australia’s GDP by 2021

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Machine Learning Become Reality

Machine Learning Become Reality

Jac Domney

Artificial Intelligence has attracted a lot of media attention recently with the popularity of shows like Black Mirror and Westworld

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Custom Faster and Cheaper Than off the Shelf

Custom Faster and Cheaper Than off the Shelf

Martin Cooperwaite

Digital Transformation has been accepted as one of the most critical imperatives of the modern organisation

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Can You Build a CRM System in Under 30 Minutes?

Can You Build a CRM System in Under 30 Minutes?

Meghan Lodwick

In a word, yes. Using low-code technology, it’s entirely possible to build a CRM system

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Customer Service and Digital Experience

Customer Service and Digital Experience

Meghan Lodwick

Not long ago, a good or bad customer experience was linked to the point of contact – be it a salesperson

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Non-beige Project Management

Non-beige Project Management

Damien Rundell

Project management is one of those disciplines that clients often question the contribution they make to a project

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The True Cost of a Cheap Quote

The True Cost of a Cheap Quote

Damien Rundell

I shouldn't say this, but I don't care about sales. What I do care about, passionately, is delivery.

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Kiandra are a Kentico Gold Partner

Kiandra are a Kentico Gold Partner

Meghan Lodwick

Twelve months after signing a Kentico partnership deal, Kiandra IT have gone from zero to Gold Partner status

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