It is so easy to get swept up in the array of flashy tools that have been developed to make modern businesses run efficiently. It may also seem easy to mould business processes to fit into whatever tool the organization decided to buy and implement – square peg, round hole.
While it may look like a simple fix to pick an off-the-shelf solution, the reality is, it might not be the right fit for your business and end up being a costly, time-consuming headache.
To ensure you are getting the right solution, it is important to have a clearly defined problem. A well-considered solution will ensure technology preferences are not dictating how to solve a problem, but, instead, let the problem drive the technology choices.
By spending the time to go over the purpose of the process you may find there is a better tool to get the job done or discover an opportunity to create a new tool altogether.
There is so much possibility that instead of viewing processes through technology, flip that around to viewing technologies to fit your processes. That’s tech agnostic.
Bill Gates possibly said it best: “The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.”
We’re keen to help you find the right solution for your organisation. Contact us today for a chat.
We are beyond proud to announce we have become B Corp certified and joined the growing list of Australian companies who are demonstrating their commitment to sustainability. We consider B Corp certification to be a guide for us to validate that we are doing the right thing and that symbol of trust that our stakeholders should expect.
With so many options, how can you ensure you're making an informed decision and truly comparing apples to apples? Our selection criteria checklist is here to guide you. By asking the right questions and focusing on what truly matters, you can streamline the process and set your project up for success from the start.
One of the biggest fears technology buyers face is overpaying for a solution from a software development company. It’s a valid concern—nobody wants to invest significant budget only to feel they didn’t get what they paid for.
Whether you’re curious about custom software or have a specific problem to solve – we’re here to answer your questions. Fill in the following form, and we’ll be in touch soon.