Kiandra Insights

Total Experience (TX)

Meghan Lodwick - PR & Communications Manager
Meghan Lodwick
PR & Communications Manager
January 31, 2023
Meghan Lodwick
PR & Communications Manager
January 31, 2023
Scrabble pieces 'T' and 'X' sit on bright yellow background with the text 'Total Experience' written underneath


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There’s a well-known adage by businessman and author Stephen Covey that goes "Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers”. The meaning of the quote is by treating your employees like customers this, in turn, increases retention and inspires people to commit to their mission and work of the company. It also perfectly sums up the idea of total experience (TX).

According to Gartner, total experience (TX) is a strategy that creates superior shared experiences by weaving together the 4 disciplines i.e. the multi experience (MX), customer experience (CX), employee experience (EX) and user experience (UX).

Total experience (TX) impacts everyone

The idea of TX is more than focussing on one experience, like CX – it’s about improving experiences for all stakeholders to achieve a transformational business outcome. And yes, that means internally as well as externally.

Total experience is based on the idea that no experience operates in isolation. Employee experience impacts customer experience, user experience impacts employee experience, and so on. Not only are they interdependent but they are interconnected, but often, in an organisation these are siloed off and commonly, CX, UX and EX all run independently from one another.  

Adopting the TX approach

Breaking down the ‘experience’ silos will make it easier for people to do their jobs and lift the customer experience – for example, it would be easier for a customer and employee to be across similar data to avoid confusion or poor service.  

While quality in one area is ‘experience’ is valuable, your organisation can be further strengthened by bringing together MX, CX, EX and UX as a total experience (TX) strategy so they can mutually support one another.  

In a total experience-focused environment, you can expect employee collaboration tools, dashboards for customers, operations, and people and culture, bots for automation, and customer insights to help personalise experiences. TX not only takes care of the customers, but also provides a healthy ecosystem for employees, thereby improving efficiency.  

Enabling total experience

By thinking about and enabling experiences as a whole, organisations have a much better chance to move towards a desired outcome, whether that's enhancing customer satisfaction, creating a healthy and productive work environment, improving product and service quality or increasing brand loyalty.

Total experience should be approached as a business strategy that drives supportive, shared experiences between customers and employees as opposed to being about any specific product or platform. One example of this is improving training so employees sustain exceptional customer service and ultimately influence customer attitudes and behaviours, such as repurchases and referrals.

Gartner predicts that by next year, organisations providing a total experience will outperform competitors by 25% in satisfaction metrics for both CX and EX.

Ready to get started on your total experience (TX)? Contact us today to learn how you can use technology to work smarter.  

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