Kiandra Insights

2023 CRN Impact Award – Customer Experience

Cassandra Wallace, Head of Software Engineering at Kiandra
Cassandra Wallace
Head of Software Engineering
August 29, 2023
Cassandra Wallace
Head of Software Engineering
August 29, 2023
The Field's home page on a laptop next to the text '2023 CRN Impact Award Winner - Customer Experience'


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Kiandra has won the CRN Australia Impact Awards for 2023 in the Customer Experience category.

This award recognises the combined effort between Kiandra and the in creating a job platform designed to connect people with disabilities to employers.

Kiandra co-founder, Martin Cooperwaite said “We’re very proud to announce this combined win with the, it was a wonderful collaborative effort that we’ve been grateful to be able to deliver together.”

“Building software for accessibility at this level is about putting the people we represent first. The Field must support a range of user access needs while at the same time being accessible to those who would be maintaining the system in the long term. Kiandra leveraged the low-code platform OutSystems to support both objectives, as it is easily customizable for those maintaining the system,” Martin said.

The Field jobs was launched in late 2022 by Australian of the Year Dylan Alcott and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

The Field founder Dylan Alcott AO said “One in four Australians are estimated to have a disability, that’s around 4.4 million people – only 53 per cent of people with disability are participating in the labour force, a rate that hasn’t changed since 2003. We wanted to create a job site that was more than simply connecting candidates with disability to employers.”

The Field is a job site like no other – it simplifies the disability-inclusive employment process for both candidates and employers. The Field disrupts traditional hiring practices to break down barriers to actively connect people with disability wanting to work, with employers wanting to hire inclusively.

COO Selina Pickard said “Progress relies on shared understanding, and we empower our users to benefit from the many measurable impacts of prioritising a diverse workforce.”

Check out the Field, and if you happen to be recruiting, post an ad while you’re at it:

Read the entire case study for the Field to learn more about how the platform was built:

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