Kiandra Insights

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Microsoft's icon against a colourful patterned background

Top 5 takeaways from the Microsoft Business Applications Summit (MBAS) 2021

William Cornwill

Earlier this month I virtually attended the Microsoft Business Applications Summit (MBAS). I woke up at 1am and watched live sessions all night until the Sun came up the next day.

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An illustration of a robotic arm lifting a coin

Robotic Process Automation transforms finance

Cassie Wallace

With banks, institutions and financial professionals under tremendous pressure to optimise costs and boost productivity, the financial services industry is primed for Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

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A hand holding a key with the OutSystems logo

Low-Code is Key to Application Modernisation

Jacqui Brodin

One of the many effects of the “work-from-home” approach that the COVID-19 pandemic has thrust upon us, is how stagnant many organisations technology positions truly are.

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Rockets launching to represent accelerating your digital plans

Set your Digital Plans to Rapid Speed

Meghan Lodwick

Has the pandemic made you realise it’s time to get serious about accelerating those digital plans?

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Bright blue and white arrows take different paths across a blue background, navigating potential directions for digital transformation

Which Software Platform is Right For You?

Cassie Wallace

Different platforms suit different projects. So, when you're renovating an application, you’ll need to find the best platform to integrate into legacy environments, merge with existing workflows and business rules, and improve them.

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Abstract illustration of people brainstorming ideas as a team

Meet Your Project Team

Cassie Wallace

When you find the right project partner, you’ll be working with a range of experts in their field. You might not see or interact with all of them, but they’re essential to the success of your undertaking.

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Sketch of two people sitting at a table planning their next custom software application modernisation project

What to Consider When Planning Your Next Renovation

Cassie Wallace

When you modernise an application, it should deliver new and improved functionality, work smoothly from day one and always be ready for new enhancements.

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White rocket launching with plumes of smoke in its wake

How to Get Your Project Running

Cassie Wallace

With any renovation project, you must be organised and make the most of your resources. You have to ensure the end result is what you wanted, and that you deliver on time and on budget.

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Two hands holding out green apples to reflect the saying 'comparing apples with apples'

Choosing A Software Development Partner

Cassie Wallace

Selecting a development partner can be a minefield. Each quote will be different, each partner will approach your project uniquely, and each one will have different credentials.

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