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Illustration of a person reviewing many options available to them while browsing the internet on a laptop

How Tech Better Enables NDIS Self-Management

Ricky Mutsaers

For NDIS participants, there are many ways to manage the services they access. Increasingly, self-management is giving participants much greater control over how, where and when their NDIS funds get spent.

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Wooden blocks with letters that make up the words win, win

Win-Win Project Management

Nicola Oakley

In my experience, when you’re dealing with multiple stakeholders, viewpoints and motivations, it’s important to try and find the best way for teams to work together and negotiate the challenges of project delivery.

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Illustration of person in front of a computer screen

Rapid Cross-Platform Mobile App Development with Flutter

Sam Medley

Native mobile application development can be an expensive undertaking. With a user market split between two main players, Google's Android and Apple's iOS platforms, effort can easily be doubled when developing an app to target both platforms.

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Four people crowding around a table working on a low fidelity prototype of a custom developed application

When should my business build an app?

Livia Mammarella

Often businesses come to us convinced that to solve a problem or seize an opportunity they need to “build an app”. Before you dive in on the investment of building an app it is worth taking a step back and considering the context.

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Illustration of a Microsoft Teams call with 4 windows with people

Office workers in a post-COVID world

William Cornwill

The world is never going to operate in the same way again. Big statement, and I suppose it will return to some level of normality many years from now. Yet the flexibility of working from home, avoiding the daily commute, and enabling a true balance

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Illustration of 2 people looking for candidates

Getting hired in a post-COVID world

Melissa Pezzimenti

The first recruitment process I launched since returning to work was one I’ve hired for many times before.

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Illusration of a family in a house doing and tracking household chores

Kanban parenting

Livia Mammarella

Can’t get your child to brush their teeth? Try a Kanban board. If that doesn’t work, throw in a daily stand-up.

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Two people at a desk interacting with an OutSystems prototype

Interfacing Legacy Systems Safely

Jacqui Brodin

OutSytems can assist in the integration of legacy applications. Using OutSystems you can modernise the customer experience

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A laptop screen filled with code sits next to a laptop screen with a simple Unbounce page design

Can’t code, can build a landing page.

Tom Wills

I can’t write a line of code to save my life. This perhaps has been my biggest weakness across my career – be it as a graphic designer

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